Guest Post

Guest Blogging
No idea is a waste and together we can enforce change in the world. No one has the highest knowledge; we all derive knowledge by sharing and receiving information from each other. When we share ideas together we will be able to touch more lives and heal more people around the world. The easiest way to motivate people is through talking about your personal experience and that’s why I am a fan of storytelling. I believe the words of Sandra Zoratti.

“Stories are our destiny, they express us, they connect us, they sustain us, they engage us, they reach into the depths of our souls and link us to other people in a unique and unparalleled way. Stories are communal”

So that is the reason why I have decided to make a challenge to positive mindset bloggers, online publishers and content writers who wish to submit an article in this blog on the following topics; inspiration, finance, investing, relationship, love, social media, innovation, personal development, leadership and creativity, to kindly create a unique story that will inspire our readers worldwide.

This is not just about only promoting bloggers or trying to get traffic. This is about reaching out to someone with a story that stimulates action and makes a significant change and impact on people’s life, and I strongly believe there are stories out there that can achieve this.

Therefore I have created and stipulated guidelines below not to scare away writers but to create an atmosphere where we can all write with uniqueness and be professionalism.


1. Submissions must be unique, thought provoking, insightful and have a story with moral lessons. You are encouraged to use images and videos to make the story unique, professional, attractive and eye cashing.

2. Submitted article should not be less than 500 words. Please don’t write to fill the space, let your post be inspirational, motivating and provide value to readers.

3. Submitted article should be written in simple and correct English and be thoroughly edited and proofread.

4. Submitted article should contain the author’s short biography. You can also add a link to your site in the bio and also your social media profiles links.

5. Do not submit another person’s work as your own. Avoid copy and paste syndrome. Avoid plagiarism and adhere to copyright rules.

6. Submitted article written by someone else will not be accepted, and therefore will not be published. So therefore we encourage you to write your own unique story.

7. Affiliate links, link selling, link stuffing are not accepted. Just add only your website or blog site link, your short biography and social media links to the article.

Submit your Guest Posts to
We will gladly publish your story ones it obey our rules.

If you have any questions regarding the process, send me an email using the contact form.

If you intend to write a post for advertising purpose such as Sponsored Post, Product Review or wish to Buy Ad Banner Space for your advertisement, please kindly contact me via> or you can visit my Advert Page.


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