Sunday 11 December 2016

10 Benefits of Positive Thinking

Today I want to talk more on benefits of positive thinking. We will be emphasizing on self improvement and personal development. Many people are over-crowded with negative thought, many lack faith and many fail to believe in themselves. This is a serious matter that needs urgent attention, and so for this reason I have decided to focus on positive thinking. Have you ever thought of going out to a quiet place where no one will distract you and have a critically and philosophical reasoning. 

You can imagine and create a picture of something in your mind when you think deep. I was in a deep thought during my NYSC days, I imagined and asked myself; after this service what will I be doing since they is no job in the labour market? Do you want to earn passive income? Have you been dreaming of making money online? Do you want to live a celebrity lifestyle, then this is an opportunity you have been waiting for, sign up HERE for a free Ecommerce business account and start earning passive income. You can even earn money while on bed sleeping. 

Must I joined the league of jobless graduates roaming around the street in search for a job that doesn't exist, so I went serious in a deep thought, I started thinking of the kind of business I will start without so much capital. I also thought of a business that is highly profitable. Then I remember Nollywood (Nigeria Film Industry), I learnt that everybody wants to appear on camera. That is everyone wants to be an actor or an actress, which has became an advantage of exploiting upcoming act of their money and dignity. 

I realize that nobody wants to go behind the camera which is really profitable. So I thought and thought and finally concluded in my heart that I will like to try Movie Editing. I thought of the way to achieve that and so I started researching, I started downloading movie editing tutorial from the internet and started learning them day by day. Learning is a gradual process, and I focused my attention to learn everything about editing so that I can become professional in it. At that time most of my Corper friends were busy enjoying themselves and catching fun, I nurture my positive thought and continued learning editing gradually. For one year I master all movie editing skill, both Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effect, Final Cut and also went further to learn production and directing in the same field and I learnt everything about movie making online without any formal training. 

I learnt how to cut tape, lay soundtrack, subtitle films, lay credit, create special effect and animation, direct and produce movies. I became totally perfect in it, to the extent that I shot my first movie with my students during my national service year and edited it perfectly myself.  

Today, most of my friends during national service are still in the labour market, moving from one location to another in search for a job that doesn't exist, they are totally unemployed and devastated. As they are searching for job, I am busy creating networks and connections. I advertise and publicize my talent everywhere I go including online and offline.

Today I am a successful movie editor and a film maker. I work from home and have time for my family, I am now my own boss and nobody can order me around. I decided to go into blogging to express my experience to the world and enable people learn from my experience. That is what positive thinking can do for you; it will remove you from being an ordinary person and motivate you to achieve something extra-ordinary.
We are now going to look at the various benefits of positive thinking, what you can derive with positive think and how you can manifest it in your business and personal life.
Positive thinking can sound simple, but often, not easy. Our life is made of habits and even a writer once said: “We are what we think.” This is why, it’s very important to constantly choose positive way of thinking and make an optimistic attitude, your habit or second nature.
So with this few explanation let met me bring to your door-step the 10 benefits of positive thinking.
First of all, if we decide to become positive, we can make the so called “law of attraction” work for our favor. The main principle of the law of attraction is that “like attracts like”. If you will make positive thinking your habitual way of seeing life, imagine how many great things you can attract into your life. Positive thinking will make you to attract great things; it will guide you in your struggle in life. What you wish for yourself is what you will get, that is the power of positive thinking. When you are positive in your thought you will reap unlimited reward, a positive mind will never lose focus or miss direction of where he or she is going.
Positive attitude will boost your motivation and you will start to achieve your goals quicker and easier. To have strong motivation is the same as to have “wings” which will make you to fly to the top of your career. With positive mindset you will be motivated to do many things on your own and achieve results.
When you chose positive attitude, you will start to notice a lot of positive qualities in people and ignore their defaults, and then, you will start to create more meaningful friendships and great relationships. This type of attitude will create a very good and positive atmosphere around you. With positive mindset you will always talk good about people, people will want to associate with you. You will be able to build a business relationship with your clients and customers. Positive mindset opens door for unlimited connection. When you are positive in what you do, you will be able to command authority wherever you go, you will never be little yourself, you will always see yourself as a problem solver and that is a great leadership quality you are possessing.
If you make a positive thinking your priority, you will always make a great first impression. People, usually, are attracted to kind and friendly personalities and the good first impression can have a big impact on the development of your future relationships. When you think positively and all your minds and thought are clouded on things that will benefit the society or your neighbor, everyone will believe whatever you say, they will trust your judgment and your words with the believe that you are always positive in your words. This will develop your personality, when ever matter arises in your community you will be the first to be called, so your first impression matters a lot.
Positive thinking is very beneficial for your health. Even several scientific studies have shown that people with a good, positive “vibe” are less likely to suffer from depression and they get ill more rarely than the negative thinkers. In many cases, bad thoughts are the main cause of deceases, and even the word “decease” means that the person is not at ease. Just change your thoughts and you will change your life. That’s why; taking care of our thoughts is like taking care of our health. Positive thinking will give your life a sense of belonging, with positive thinking you will know your worth in the society and how to conform to the norms of the society, it will save you from emotional trauma, it will make you see thing in a different perspective. For instance you wrote exam, and you assume you have passed knowing full well all the points you put in to produce your answers. You will believe that no matter what you will still pass because you knew what you wrote. That is positive thinking in action. But when you assume that you have failed maybe because you couldn’t finish question 4 before the teacher collected your answer script. That is negative thought in action. You need positive thought in your lie to excel both in business, career and personal development.
Positive people are more likely to be successful than the negative ones. When you will implement positive thinking into your life, you will notice that success becomes easier and it’s not as tough and difficult, as many people think. It will look like a miracle but it is not, positive mindset are bound to achieved success in your daily business, because you presented a positive attitude towards your business and your personal life.
With positive thinking you will know your worth; you will know the power within you and also know how to use this power to apply to your business and personal life. Your positive thought will enable you to know what you want to do with your life; it will bring out the power in you and direct you to the right things
The main cause of stress is worry and negative thoughts. If we think about it further, we can understand that stress never solves problems; on the contrary, it can leave us helpless. Positive people overcome stress more easily than negative people. When you start to increase the quantity of good and positive thoughts, stress will gradually leave your life, until you won’t hear about it anymore. It is the truth; people suffer several heart attack and high blood pressures because of stress and depression. But I can categorically tell you that ones you are positive in your thinking and you’re doing the right thing at the right time, I promise you that you will experience abundant success in your businesses and careers.

Negativity can blind people’s mind. If you turn your thoughts from the negative ones into positive, your eyes will be opened and you will see the bottle half full, instead of half empty. You will start to notice solutions and will understand that every problem is actually an opportunity to grow. All problems can be solved, and you, finally, will be able to see it. With positive mindset, you can turn your problems to opportunities. That is were smart thinking comes in. positive thinking is all about things that are always beneficial to you and the society at large. So you can use problems to make money ones you think positively.

Positive thinking will make you look more beautiful. It happens naturally: smiling, friendly and happy people are, somehow, extremely attractive. Your inner beauty will shine and will become visible on the outside, as well. You will be free from depression, disappointment and humiliations. Positive mindset will make you look very happy always, focus on your dreams and enable yourself you to achieve success. Remember your success in life is determined by your mindset that is your positive thoughts. If you believe you will buy a car in a matter of time you will surely buy that car as long as you do what you are expected to do. But if you have negative thoughts and you believe you won’t be able to buy a car, so be it, I tell you; no matter how hard you tried you will definitely find it very difficult to buy a car because your minds are crowded with negative thought.

I encourage you to join the community of online millionaires who are making more than $10,000 monthly just by selling stuffs on the internet, I encourage you to join this community of online entrepreneurs HERE and earn both passive and residual income, gain financial independent and then quit your day job, you can work mainly from home and live your dream lifestyle with your family. I sincerely recommend you sign up for a free Ecommerce business account HERE it is free and very reliable, especially if you are seeking to acquire wealth and financial freedom so as to become very wealthy and successful in life. You can sign up HERE for a free Ecommerce Account.

Do you want to earn passive income? Have you been dreaming of making money online? Do you want to live a celebrity lifestyle, then this is an opportunity you have been waiting for, sign up HERE for a free Ecommerce business account and start earning passive income. You can even earn money while on bed sleeping 

Patience, dedication, passion, hardworking and prayers to God are the fundamental keys to financial success and freedom in life.

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Patience, dedication, passion, hard work and prayers to God are the fundamental keys to financial success and freedom in life.

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