Monday 5 December 2016

4 Reasons Why People Fail To Succeed In Life

In this post I am going to state way many people fail to become successful in life. Many will tour and tour all through their life yet nothing to show up for it. I have seen many people who have worked so hard on a particular project but instead of becoming successful through their hard work, rather there are experiencing failures. 

The constant inquiries of how one can make it into the world of success are never-ending. That is why this post was born to look at the major courses or reasons why people fail to achieve success. To unravel this situation permanently, I decided to carry out a thorough research to make sure this situation is solve and I believe after reading through this post, you will be inspired and motivated to do something that will skyrocket you into success.

The reason people fail is due to the fact that, we human beings desires a life that is visually appealing to those on the outside looking in. Many people like enjoyment but forget to look at the things that will bring about that enjoyment there desperately seek. Many after accomplishing small thing feel there have arrived. That is why you will always see such people on beer parlors, joints, eateries, and hotels squandering money, if you ask them their will say life has no duplicate, you need to enjoy yourself now or never again. Many of us fall in this category and this lustful on look of attention fills us with a sense of accomplishment.

I encourage you to join the community of online millionaires by opening an ecommerce shop, because when you do that you will acquire financial freedom, earn passive and residual income, gain financial independent and then quit your day job and live your dream lifestyle. I sincerely recommend you sign up for a free Ecommerce business account HERE it is free and very reliable, especially if you are seeking to acquire wealth and financial freedom so as to become very wealthy and successful in life. You can sign up HERE for free.

It is very important for people to look at things in a mature way, they need to produce external improvement and I sincerely believe this is what really drives many people to seek the glory of success. Therefore, their sense of pride is based on outside validation instead of internal happiness.

Many people fail to understand what success really mean in their life. Many people fail to understand that success brings us happiness and a fulfilled life; success is based on our opinions, our thoughts, ideas and activities. Our daily activities affect who we are, if you really want to become successful in life you must leave your comfort zone and do an extraordinary thing (I don’t mean Atrocity). You must do things that will inspire people, help people and draw people’s attention.

I encourage you to join the community of online millionaires by opening an ecommerce shop, because when you do that you will acquire financial freedom, earn passive and residual income, gain financial independent and then quit your day job and live your dream lifestyle. I sincerely recommend you sign up for a free Ecommerce business account HERE it is free and very reliable, especially if you are seeking to acquire wealth and financial freedom so as to become very wealthy and successful in life. You can sign up HERE for free.

When thinking and speaking of success, all thoughts are based on opinion within mainstream society, rather than their own internal views. Such thinking sets many people up for failure. People who are seeking the path towards success always depend on thoughts of others, rather than on their own thoughts. So to achieve genuine success, you really need to start trusting your opinions, don’t always look down on yourself, you have the power to change your life from poverty to riches and from suffering to enjoyment.

Linda Ikeji, Africa richest blogger was very poor and from a poor family background, she became rich, not just rich but a billionaire in a matter of five years. People will think it is a charm or that she is too lucky, but it doesn’t work that way. She became very rich because she planned her life very well; she worked really hard, had her hard times, difficulties but never gave up. She left her comfort zone and had to do extraordinary that attracted people’s attention and today she is a celebrity and very wealthy and enjoying a high class lifestyle many people are still dreaming to experience or have.
Not to waste much of your time, I am going to outline the four (4) reasons why people fail to succeed in life. 
This can equally means lack of knowing oneself. It is the inability of one to know his or her worth. You would be amazed to know how many people who are living in this world who have no real sense of self identity. There fail to know the person there are and the things they got within them. Their identity is unknown to them and they are operating the mindset within the world which is programmed by outside societal influence. Therefore, they are living other people’s lives instead of their own life. They allow people to control their thoughts and opinions.

I encourage you to join the community of online millionaires by opening an ecommerce shop, because when you do that you will acquire financial freedom, earn passive and residual income, gain financial independent and then quit your day job and live your dream lifestyle. I sincerely recommend you sign up for a free Ecommerce business account HERE it is free and very reliable, especially if you are seeking to acquire wealth and financial freedom so as to become very wealthy and successful in life. You can sign up HERE for free.

This leads to group thinking, group think and reason as a group and no one can be successful when one operates under the constrains of group thinking, this is because they cannot perceive the world around them for themselves. Success is allergic to people who do not possess the ability to think for themselves; nor can form their own way of doing rather than being told what to do by others. They allow other people influence their decision and automatically take control of their lives. However, many people’s life is controlled by: Media, Parents, Friends, Spouse, Government and Job. They are cage by these influences and can't do things on their own.

Many people allow these different entities to control and dictate how their life is structured, lived and causing them to misinterpret what actually brings value to their existence within the world.  They fail to understand that success comes with your belief, believing in yourself is the major source of becoming successful in life. When you fail to believe in yourself, many people will use you and dumb you, and before you know it, you have wasted your life on a platter of gold.

However, the greatest danger many people face in life is that they do not know who they actually are especially when no one else is around to tell them so. They feel inferior and nervous about themselves and such people find it really difficult to speak in public or work on their own, their mindset is always failure and this kind of people really finds it very difficult to achieve success. So if you really want to become successful in life, you need to stop thinking like those people and always believe you will be successful when you start any project or work.

I encourage you to join the community of online millionaires by opening an ecommerce shop, because when you do that you will acquire financial freedom, earn passive and residual income, gain financial independent and then quit your day job and live your dream lifestyle. I sincerely recommend you sign up for a free Ecommerce business account HERE it is free and very reliable, especially if you are seeking to acquire wealth and financial freedom so as to become very wealthy and successful in life. You can sign up HERE for free.

 So to really help yourself to start understanding your true quality and worth, take a day or two days to be alone and chose time to be by yourself, away from everything and everybody, only be with yourself and your own thoughts. Also perform a self analysis of yourself, identifying your strengths and weaknesses and then know where to position to yourself. Then list out your dreams and identify the fears you have which will make your dreams difficult to achieve. Think very well of your fears, those things you feel you cannot do and start doing them.

And finally, do what we call "time of self evaluation of yourself" devise a plan that positions you as the leader of your own life, living life by your set of standards. Have set up guidelines or goals that will lead you through your journey of life. When you follow this guideline very well, I promise you, success will be knocking on your door.
Success is measured by our net worth, personality and assets and not on the physical and attractive things we drive around town with. People see a person driving Range Rover 2016 model or Infinity Jeep 2016 model and think that person is successful. What they do not see is that the person driving Range Rover 2016 model or Infinity Jeep 2016 model is in a panic because that car is a big liability to them. The mortgage behind the car and other high priced expenses are due; which have them drowning in debt.

Many people fail to become successful because they never value what their have, there are always looking at other people’s success and not thinking of what they should do to become successful just like those people they are admiring.

People easily get aroused by visual stimulation, without knowing the truth behind the publicized facade of many who fake success. They forget that not all that glitters are gold; they fail to understand that success is measured in our heart and not what we see. Many people today are living a fake life, such as borrowing of expensive cars, clothes, jewelries, shoes etc just to impress a girl or make girls to fall for them or to make others to be jealous of them, forgetting that they are weighing their time away what a pity.

They forget that when their internal being is miserable, that simple means there are not successful. Real success produces the ability to think freely and do as you wish on your own terms.
However, false images blind an easily influenced person’s ability to see what truly matters beyond public opinion. Seeing other people’s success embarrass him and he want quick money, not knowing that the person who is successful worked really hard for many years just to achieve that success and he believes within himself that he can outweigh that person who is really successful. Therefore, he fills his life with junk that constricts his ability to live a life of freedom and success.

So for you to really be successful, you have to learn to see life beyond material possessions and the need for outside validation. People and things are not constant; they change and disappear as time goes on. Change is very necessary in our lives and that is why I strongly advise you to change your thinking, your thoughts, your mind sets and behavior on certain things and start thinking like a rich man, by so doing you will really achieve genuine success.

I encourage you to join the community of online millionaires by opening an ecommerce shop, because when you do that you will acquire financial freedom, earn passive and residual income, gain financial independent and then quit your day job and live your dream lifestyle. I sincerely recommend you sign up for a free Ecommerce business account HERE it is free and very reliable, especially if you are seeking to acquire wealth and financial freedom so as to become very wealthy and successful in life. You can sign up HERE for free.

Also you need to live below your means until you can comfortably live well. Don’t rent a bungalow or buy expensive car when you are still earning peanut. You sincerely need financial intelligent and knowledge on how to manage your money so that you don’t spend it recklessly. Success can only be accomplished when money can be utilized as a resourceful tool, rather than a desperate need.

And finally you need to develop your emotional intelligence skills. This skill helps you gauge people beyond what they publicly display in order to see them for who they truly are. This skill will help you to know how to control your emotions, especially when you are in the midst of your former school mate who you discover own number of cars and live in an estate. Never show desperation, quietly go home and plan out your own strategist that you will use to succeed sand challenge that your classmate and become successful just like him.
In other words, we call this your unwillingness to pay your dues or sacrifice. Success is achieved through sacrifice being paid. You must have to sacrifice your time, your effort, your comfort zone and most importantly your pleasant and pleasurable activities if you really want to achieve genuine success. It is quite scary to realize how many people want the rewards of success without putting in the hard work to produce success. Many just want to be successful, but when they tell them what it takes to become successful, you will see them running away from it.

We live in a world where many people think of instant gratification, which simply means people feel they have a right to get what they want immediately. There never bother to work hard for it; this can also be classified as unwarranted entitlement behavior. They seek for what they never worked for. It is just like a farmer who never planted any crops and at the time of harvest he comes to harvest something he never planted. Success doesn’t come in a platter of gold; you must work really hard for it.

People forget to understand that when climbing the ladder of success, they actually have to start at the bottom of the ladder and proceed upwards. There is no such thing as beginning one to two steps from the top. Every person who which to succeed in life must learn to start from somewhere, they should stop procrastinating.

A journey of a thousand mile begins with a step, for you to achieve genuine success you have to dedicate your mind and time on it, focus all your attention on it and never allow distractions to send you away from achieving your goals.

You need action; don’t just make decision without taken action. Every action taken in particular decisions produces the desired results. This is not just done with a snap of a finger and a wishful dream of becoming successful. Enough hard work is needed; real consistent work is required on the path towards success.
So for you to embrace real success you need to seek mentorship from those who have the success you want. It may be influential people or people who are positive in their thinking and really which to succeed in life. Wise council helps avoid costly mistakes produced from arrogance and ignorance. So be mindful of the kind of people you mingle with. Remember that birds of the same feather flocks together. Associate yourself with people with positive mindset and not people who are always negative about life.

I encourage you to join the community of online millionaires by opening an ecommerce shop, because when you do that you will acquire financial freedom, earn passive and residual income, gain financial independent and then quit your day job and live your dream lifestyle. I sincerely recommend you sign up for a free Ecommerce business account HERE it is free and very reliable, especially if you are seeking to acquire wealth and financial freedom so as to become very wealthy and successful in life. You can sign up HERE for free.

Never make excuses, it is only poor people that make excuses, rich people never make excuses, there strive no matter what obstacle to achieve their goal. You sincerely need to look beyond where you are today in favor of where you are positioning yourself to be tomorrow so you don’t become impatient and lose faith in yourself. Don’t always look at the little thing you have achieved to be enough for you, strive harder to achieve more. This is why rich people never stop making money. When you believe you have achieve your dreams and stop working, I promise you, in just a matter of time, all your wealth will swept down and you will become poor again. Remember no condition is permanent, it depends the way you want it to be.

A writer Pablo Picasso ones said;

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”
So you have to plan your goal very well and work towards it.
Success is a planned destination and not a place of random thoughts. Well planned goal, put together by actions produces success. For you to become successful in life, you need to set up your own goals which you want to achieve, work towards it and make sure those goals are achieved by you. Success is produced when a person can envision the end game in mind and set out to develop the most effective actions which make it conceivable. In other words success is always a conceived mind set. Whoever that wants to succeed has already conceived success in his or her mind and working towards it won’t be a problem, because he or she has already being motivated.
Without goals, plan and no actions taken by a person, then the person operates without any real direction. It is imperative to know where one is currently, where they are going and how they are getting there.

Goals without actions hold a person accountable to themselves when there eventually fail to succeed in life. Goals create discipline and focus, which are key ingredients for success, therefore, without plan goal and action taken success becomes very difficult to achieve. 
So for you to overcome failure and become successful in life, you need to set a clear vision of what you want to achieve in your life. Do you want to produce a desired lifestyle?

Then if really you want to leave a life of a celebrity you must create goals which must be accomplished in order to stay working within your designated vision, leading to continued progression. You have to start now, think of all the things you can do and set up goals on them, work towards that goal and take action that will skyrocket you to success. I encourage you to join the community of online millionaires by opening an ecommerce shop, because when you do that you will acquire financial freedom, earn passive and residual income, gain financial independent and then quit your day job and live your dream lifestyle. 

I sincerely recommend you sign up for a free Ecommerce business account HERE it is free and very reliable, especially if you are seeking to acquire wealth and financial freedom so as to become very wealthy and successful in life. You can sign up HERE for free.

Finally you have to review your vision everyday and rate your daily actions in order to ensure they are consistent with making your vision attainable. Look at your goal and see the ones you have achieve and then tick it good. Make sure you work harder and always remember that hard works really pays and dreams do come through. 

Many people fail to become successful in life due to various issues but it all boils down to them being the culprit of their failure. They forget that there are the sole proprietors of their life and whatever that happen to them is nobody’s fault but their own fault.

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Patience, dedication, passion, hard work and prayers to God are the fundamental keys to financial success and freedom in life.

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