Friday 9 December 2016

8 Steps of Becoming a Successful Blogger

In this post we are going to be looking at blogging as a profession, many people thought blogging is just for fun, but I tell you categorically blogging has graduated from a mere fun to a business venture where people are making money for a living. An average blogger is earning $150,000 on a monthly basis.

That is a lot of money you will say. But I tell you the truth; they are top bloggers who are even earning more than that on a monthly basis. Somebody like American top blogger Perez Hilton who is earning more than $350,000 monthly blogging and so many other top bloggers around the world. 

I encourage you to join the community of online millionaires who are making more than $10,000 monthly just by selling stuffs on the internet, I encourage you to join this community of online entrepreneurs HERE and earn both passive and residual income, gain financial independent and then quit your day job, you can work mainly from home and live your dream lifestyle with your family. I sincerely recommend you sign up for a free Ecommerce business account HERE it is free and very reliable, especially if you are seeking to acquire wealth and financial freedom so as to become very wealthy and successful in life. You can sign up HERE for a free Ecommerce Account.

Nigeria popular blogger Linda Ikeji is earning between $80,000 on a monthly basis, while America top blogger and affiliate marketer, Mark Ling is earning between $500,000 on a monthly basis. That is the power of blogging and if you follow the trend very well, you too might even earn more than these top bloggers.
For these reason we have decided to bring to you the various step you must take to become a successful blogger.
So below are the various steps an aspiring blogger must take to become a successful in blogging.

1.    Passion: You need to have passion about the business and what you want to write about, love the business and treat it like a baby. Passion has to do with love and caring, you need to love blogging, take it as your hobby, and show interest in it. You sincerely need to be constant in blogging, blog every day, don’t blog once in a week. It is your passion for blogging that will guide you in time of difficulty, especially when you start facing hardship, it is the passion that will keep you going, others may quit when things become really hard for them, but with passion for blogging you will find it really impossible to quit blogging even if you are facing challenges.

2.  Dedication: Focus your mind 100 percent on the business. “FOCUS” simply means “Following One Course Until Successful”. Put all your mind and focus all your attention on the business, treat it like your personal business and not just a hobby, blog everyday and update your posts every day, never miss a day without blogging. Write and publish at list 10 to 20 post with minimum of 500 words every day. Write unique content, don’t do copy and paste as Google might catch you anytime and ban your blog.

3.  Choose a Blog Niche: Look for a niche you will be writing about. We have some popular blogging niche that you can choose from, they are; Education, fashion, Lifestyle, Gossip, Health, Wealth, Relationship etc. choose a nice niche that you know much about and blog on it, as for me I love empowering people on how to make money and become successful, so my blog niche is WEALTH. Your blog niche must be something you know much about because that is what you will be blogging on forever. Choose sub topics related to your blog niche and talk more on them. It is your blog niche that will determine the kind of advert you get and the kind of visitor you receive. Make sure you choose blog niche that are reining presently, example are Relationship, Health and wealth. These are the three major blog niche that will fetch you a lot of money in matter of time ones you follow the right track.

4.  Determination: You need to have a burning determination for the business, never give up on it, ones you have started forward ever and backward never. Focus on your work, have a burning desire for it and a stubborn determination for the business. Never give up no matter the obstacle you face while growing your business, they is no success with challenge and short coming. It is your willingness to succeed that will give you the success that you desire. Always think before you quit, think of Linda Ikeji earning $80,000. Ask yourself, how many head does she have? Let her story be a source of motivation to you. To be sincere with you I got my motivation from Linda Ikeji, her success story gives me the inspiration to continue working hard believing one day I might b e like her. That is the kind of motivation that you need. Always be determined and hope for the best. Don’t think about what people might say, follow your heart and do what your heart tells you. In my case my Aunt and my Cousins where my number 1 distracters, but I never give in to them because I know what I am pursuing and only me knows the reward behind what I am doing. So don’t mind anybody that will try to distract you.

5.  Vision: Have a clear vision of where you will be in the next 10 years. Have a clear vision of where you are going, think of the future of your blog, ask yourself some certain question like; if I work hard on my blog will I be earning $50,000 in the next five years? How will my life be in the next 10 years? Will I be able to buy my own car? Build my own house? And get married? It is the vision you have about your business that will give you the motivation to work harder so as to actualize you dreams. Always think of the level your business will be in the next 10 years. Will you start receiving 500,000 unique visitors daily in the next 10 years, will advertisers queue up for you just to advertise on your bog? This are questions you never to ask yourself and provide answers for it. Always draw your daily business plan, write them down and always go with it to where ever you go, try to execute it and you will be glad you did

6.  Computer Knowledge: You must know how to use the keyboard, you must know how to use Microsoft office word and you must learn how to type very fast, because as a blogger you will always be typing, so you need to develop typing skill and learn how to use keyboard short cut in typing. You must also have knowledge of the internet. Remember that blogging is an online business and so you need to know much about internet to be able to do the business well. You just need to be computer literate. You also be a social media person, make sure you have Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram account so that you can easily link your blog to them and generate traffic from them. You should know how your blog stands at the social media circle. You must have a Gmail Account; you should know how to design your blog. Take you blog as your personal business and always research your post, make sure you have enough content before publishing your work.

7.   Content Generation: To have a business blog empire you need to feed your audience with unique contents relevant to your blog niche, make sure you are feeding your visitors with interesting and updated contents relevant to your niche. Make sure you write something meaningful that will give your visitors reason to visit your blog always. Don’t lose focus on your niche, and don’t deviate, make sure you focus on one niche with different topics relevant to your niche. This is the key to blogging. If you write poor content, it will be difficult for you to get visitors and when you have no visitor then you won’t make any money. Your visitors are very important in your blog because it is their clicks and presence on your blog that will fetch you money in blogging. So you need to feed your visitors with unique content and you will see the kind of crowd that will float into your blog page in search of information.

8.  Monetization: Monetize your blog, you can sign up with Pay Per Clicks like Google Adsense, Infolink, Chikita,, BlogAds, BuysellAds etc. or you can try affiliate marketing like Amazon, Apple Itune, Jumia, etc. where you refer people to buy a product and earn commission. With these Ads you can easily place advert on your blog and make cool money from them. You can also sell your Ads space for a reasonable amount, and then link your blog with PayPal where you will be doing all your online transactions. Ones your daily page views clock to 10,000 unique visitors, I sincerely do believe that Advert Ads will start knocking on your door for you to give them permission to place advert on your blog and in turn pay you huge amount of money. So I advise you patiently give your blog a five years life span and see what it will become of. Do your work very well and give your blog five years to grow and become assets that will bring in passive income for you. Passive income means income that doesn’t finish, it pumps in always without minding whether you did your work or not. Gradually financial freedom will surface.

So I advise you to follow these 8 steps of becoming a successful blogger and you will smile to your bank account in matter of time. 

If you really want to become an Entrepreneur and earn minimum of $10,000 in a monthly basis by working from home, then I encourage you to join the community of online millionaires by opening a free Ecommerce shop HERE.  When you do that you will acquire financial freedom, earn passive and residual income, gain financial independent and then quit your day job and live your dream lifestyle. You can sign up HERE for free.

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Patience, dedication, passion, hard work and prayers to God are the fundamental keys to financial success and freedom in life.

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